When Should You Ask for a Pay Raise at Work?

When Should You Ask Your Boss for a Pay Raise?

Asking your supervisor for a pay raise can be a stressful situation, especially if you don’t know when you should ask your boss for a pay raise at work and how to ask your boss for a pay increase.

In fact, it feels so daunting for some people that they avoid it and just don’t do it altogether. They feel like they’re boss should be aware of their accomplishments and just offer a raise or promotion without provocation.

Unfortunately, this happens infrequently. Most bosses are very busy and have very little time to reflect on the accomplishments of their direct reports. They’re too busy worrying about the next goal, client, milestone, etc. that needs to be completed.

With this in mind, you need to be proactive and advocate for yourself at work. Learn when you should ask your boss for a pay raise at work to have a better chance of achieving the pay increase you covet and deserve.

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How to Ask Your Boss for a Pay Raise

How to Ask Your Boss for a Pay Raise

Asking your boss for a pay increase doesn’t have to be an anxiety inducing event. If you’re well-prepared and understand how to ask your boss for a pay raise, it can be just like any other work meeting.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for a raise, in fact, its something that shows how driven and ambitious you are (usually good signals for your upper management).

Unfortunately, people often think their boss should just recognize their accomplishments and give them a raise without having to ask.

This is rarely the case.

Most bosses are very busy and are reactive in nature. If you don’t let them know that you are interested in a raise, they’re not going to know and certainly aren’t going to explore giving you one.

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Benefits of Managing Your Budget Effectively

Benefits of Managing your Budget Effectively

Most people know what a budget is and have some idea of why it’s important, but are reluctant to start one because it requires a little extra work.

The benefits of managing your budget effectively far outweigh the little work required to keep one. If you’re serious about improving your finances and achieving your financial goals, you absolutely need to start a budget and start being intentional with your spending.

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Reasons Why it is Important to Start Saving Money

Reasons Why it is Important to Start Saving Money

Like most young adults, when my wife and I left college, we had little to no assets and made entry level salaries at our jobs. Back then, we barely made enough money to support ourselves, much less save money for the future.

Over the years, however, we’ve been able to slowly build up a small savings account and several different retirement accounts.

We’ve experienced first-hand the peace of mind associated with having an emergency fund (savings account you use for financial emergencies) and the excitement of watching our retirement accounts grow to something substantial. When we started seeing our retirement accounts grow over time, it motivated us to invest even more.

Because we’ve experienced both the pain and frustration of not having any money saved and the benefits of saving money, I’d like to share the reasons why I think it is important to start saving money.

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