How We Saved Money on TV by Cutting the Cord

Learn how much money we saved on tv entertainment each month by cutting the cord & watching streaming services.

Are you interested in saving money on your tv entertainment by cutting the cord? We’d been exploring the idea for months, but never could find the right mix of devices and streaming services to satisfy our entertainment needs. Finally, the beginning of this year, we decided to cancel cable and go with a combination of YouTube TV and Philo. This change has saved us ~$60/month (~$720/year) and provides more features and entertainment options than our local cable provider. Please keep reading to learn how we save money each month on TV entertainment by cutting the cord.

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11 Ways to Simplify Your Personal Finances

11 Ways to Simplify Your Personal Finances

Complicated personal finances can lead to inaction or procrastination, stress, mistakes, and bad decisions. The more time and energy you spend just managing your personal finances, the less time you have to focus on earning and saving more money, and the less time you have for you. If you dread preparing your budget each month or even dread just receiving a bill in the mail because, to you, it means one more thing you have to worry and stress about, you should consider simplifying your personal finances. Please find below 11 common ways to simplify your personal finances.

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11 Ways to Earn Passive Income

11 Ways to Generate Passive Income

Do you ever wonder how people can become financially independent, especially so early in life? How it’s possible that they can get to the point where they no longer have to work for a paycheck?

The answer is passive income. They have found a way to generate income utilizing work they’ve done in the past. If you are hoping to become financially independent or just retire comfortably one day, you need to start creating sources of income that will continue to pay out long after the work is done. I’ve listed 11 sources below to get you started.

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