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9 Financial Hacks to Help Manage Your Money Better

9 Financial Hacks to Help Manage Your Money Better

Ready to transform your financial outlook? Discover how nine financial hacks can revolutionize your approach to money management. From budgeting to investing wisely, these strategies will empower you to take control of your finances and achieve your goals. Let’s explore how you can manage your money better starting today. Utilize Free Resources There are a […]

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13 Minimalist Money Saving Tips

The minimalist mindset focuses on simplifying your life to include only what you truly need; the things in your life that provide value.

By cutting out the clutter, it allows you to focus on what’s truly important to you. It also has the added benefit of removing sources of stress and anxiety in your life, so that you can lead a richer life.

As it turns out, applying these same principles to your finances will also lead to a richer life. By eliminating the unnecessary and simplifying your finances you’ll have more money to pay down debt and invest for the future.

Keep reading to learn 13 minimalist money saving tips you can employ to help reach your financial goals.

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10 Common Things to Give Up to Save Money

If you want to be successful in achieving your financial goals, you need to be intentional with your money saving efforts.

There are things in your life that are costing you money each month while providing little to no value in return.

If you’re interested in finding ways to save more money, keep reading to learn 10 common things to give up to save money.

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Practice the Pause Prior to Making a Purchase

Learn why you should practice the pause prior to making a purchase and how it can help you make better spending decisions.

Have you ever bought something on a whim that sounded like a good idea in the moment, only later to find out it wasn’t quite what you were looking for?

Early in our lives, my wife and I had a penchant for purchasing exercise equipment. Back then we thought that instead of buying a gym membership, we could purchase a few pieces of home gym equipment and workout from home.

The idea was ok in theory and we still use some of the equipment we purchased, but the first piece of equipment we purchased, an expensive elliptical, very rarely got used.

If we had practiced the pause prior to making our home gym equipment purchase, we most likely would have realized that the equipment in question wasn’t right for our planned workouts and either bought a better fit or foregone the purchase altogether.

Keep reading to learn more.

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How to Calculate Your Real Hourly Wage (and Why You Should)

Learn how to calculate your real hourly wage.

Like many of you, I was first introduced to the concepts of calculating your real hourly wage and trading your time (or life energy) for money in the book, Your Money or Your Life.

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. You should be able to find a copy at your local library. If you can’t find it, ask your librarian to request a transfer from a library in-network.

One of the main tenets of the book, is that we all have a finite amount of life energy. That life energy is equivalent to our time on this earth or, in other words, the time that we’re alive.

When we go to work to earn an income, we are essentially trading that time for the money we receive from working.

To get the most out of our time, we should strive to make the highest wage, right?

The short answer is yes, but it shouldn’t just be your highest hourly wage. It should be your highest real hourly wage.

Keep reading to learn more.

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